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About us

Our beginnings


Around 2003, a group of eight to ten local knitters and crocheters heard about a project called "Warm Up America" via a local craft store. WUA accepted handmade blankets which were then shipped to a national location and eventually distributed to needy individuals throughout the country.


Inspired by the WUA project, these local knitters began disussing the possibility of using their skills to make items that could be distributed locally (a person can only make so many sweaters/scarves/slippers for family and friends before they say "enough!"). "Why not work with local charities and serve the needs of our South Bay neighbors?" - that's when Yarn Angels South Bay was born.


Because the newly-formed group was small, initial contact was made with just one local charity. As membership grew, additional charities were added. It was discovered that the need for and the appreciation of handmade items, such as blankets, afghans, quilts, lapghans, hats, slippers, scarves, sweaters, and baby items, etc., was great.


Yarn Angels has grown to about 50 members [and would love for you to join, too] currently serving seven diverse local charities, broadening our mission to provide both handmade items as well as school supplies, toiletries, non-perishable food, toys, games, clothes, etc. The group also participates at local craft fairs, selling some of its handcrafted items in order to purchase gift cards so the charities may purchase items for their clients over and above what Yarn Angels provides (the need is great and continues to increase).


                                            (as told by former charter member, Doris Henrich [now deceased])


Balls of various colored yarn

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