Yarn Angels South Bay
every stitch makes a difference

Do you knit, crochet, quilt, or sew?
Want to make a difference?
Interested in using your crafting skills to help others?
Looking for someone who can really use the results of your labors of love?
Has your family said, “No more sweaters (hats, scarves, slippers, afghans), please!”?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, Yarn Angels South Bay needs you!
We are a group of volunteers who crochet, knit, quilt, and sew items (non-profit 501 (c) (3), non-denominational) that are requested and used by a number of local charities (see our charities page for types of donations). We currently support:
Casa de Los Angelitos, a shelter for pregnant women in crisis
Flossie Lewis Center, residence for pregnant women & young mothers for substance abuse recovery
Rainbow Services, support to women and children victims of domestic violence
Child Life Program at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center - serving pediatric patients and their families throughout the hospital
Mindful Veteran Project - serves US Active Duty, Guard, & Reserve members; all connected family members, service providers or caregivers
Venice Family Clinics - provide quality, comprehensive health care across 17 clinical sites, two Early Head Start locations, and through their street medicine program.
Veterans Affairs Hospitals at Long Beach and West Los Angeles serving hospitalized American veterans and their families
Skill level isn’t important! The need is great and you can help in many ways. If you are able to craft one crochet or knit stitch, you can help create an afghan! Some of us knit or crochet squares that are then assembled into blankets, etc., by other members. Others make lap-ghans, baby quilts or blankets, face coverings, slippers, booties, port-a-cath pillows, scarves, hats, turbans, shawls, premature baby blankets and caps, stuffed toys, and clothing items – either by knitting, crocheting, quilting, or sewing.
In addition to the handmade items, members also donate school supplies, toiletries, infant supplies (e.g. diapers), clothing, toys, non-perishable food items. On donation nights, Yarn Angels also presents small monetary gifts to the charities, which are funded by dues, craft fairs and other fundraising activities.
Meetings are optional. You may come to every meeting, occasionally, or only on a donation night (held three times per year). Some simply arrange to get their items to us without attending a single meeting. A donation night affords the opportunity to meet representatives of the organizations we serve, and provide them with the results of our members’ handiwork and dedication.
The Yarn Angels usually meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month from 6pm to about 8pm. We are now having indoor gatherings at our new location (more information below): St Mark's Presbyterian Church [map link]. We are still accepting new members. We have a supply of yarns and fabric from our donors available for our creative angels at meetings & special pick up days for members. See contact information and directions by selecting the "contact us" tab on top or here
as well as such items as yarn, thread, zippers, buttons, lace, and patterns for sewing , crochet or knitting!
Note: Yarn Angels has a large inventory of donated fabric so we need people who sew to make items for our charities. See Volunteer Page We also have some sewing machines to loan. To inquire about borrowing, email us from Contact Us page.
Click on photo for more information & full view
Many thanks to Kaufman Fabrics for their donation of materials. Here are some Kaufman "Kreations":


by Deloris


About Us -
Our Beginnings
Around 2003, a group of eight to ten local knitters and crocheters heard about a project called "Warm Up America" via a local craft store. WUA accepted handmade blankets which were then shipped to a national location and eventually distributed to needy individuals throughout the country.

2025 Calendar:
Next Meeting:
St. Mark's Presbyterian Church --24027 Pennsylvania Ave., Lomita [map link].
6:00:00 PM building in west parking lot
Please Bring:
**your latest creations to share with the group
** donations, with Yarn Angel Tags, and Tally Sheet